For the first time in its nearly 125-year history, Christian Record Services (CRS) is pleased to offer The Desire of Ages, by Ellen G. White, as a book members can borrow or keep for their personal libraries.
“I think this book is such an important addition for Christian Record,” says member, Allen, who accesses multiple resources from CRS. “By having it in my personal library, I can pull it out anytime I want to read different sections.”
This inspirational resource was first offered by CRS back in 1913, thanks to expanded production capability due to a new self-feeding cylinder-powered press, which sold for $2,500, just $200 less than the value of the building. However, only one chapter, “The Lord Is Risen,” was reproduced in braille and loaned out to members.
By 1964, the full version of The Desire of Ages was available for loan but included 14 large volumes. The newest version is now produced with braille on both sides of the page. The full book consists of 800 sheets or 1,600 pages of braille, in six volumes.
The ministry received a grant from Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries to produce The Desire of Ages, as well as the rest of the Conflict of the Ages series and Steps to Christ, in multiple accessible formats: embossed braille, refreshable braille, and large print in both English and Spanish.
CRS is an official ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, whose mission is to empower people who are blind to engage their communities and embrace the Blessed Hope. Located in Lincoln, Nebraska, CRS serves nearly 18,000 members throughout the United States and in countries around the world, with approximately 9,000 members outside North America. Membership and services are free to anyone who is legally blind. Outside the U.S. and its territories, CRS partners with Division Adventist Possibilities Ministries leadership and Canada conferences through contracted service agreements to provide accessible resources.
For more information about the ministry or to donate to provide more braille resources in the United States and worldwide, visit www.christianrecord.org, call (402) 488-0981, or email info@christianrecord.org.