On March 8, 1904, in an informal meeting of the General Conference Committee in Omaha, Nebraska, with six members present, it was recommended: "that the work of publishing literature for the blind be transferred from Battle Creek, Michigan, to College View, Nebraska, provided satisfactory arrangements can be made with the Central Union Conference."
Moving to a more centrally located portion of the United States would prove beneficial in serving the sight-impaired. The motion was officially adopted at a minority meeting of the General Conference Committee held in Washington, D.C., April 14, with the following amendment: "that the Central Union Conference be advised that the transfer of location does not mean any financial burden is to be placed upon the Union; it is further recommended, however, that the Central Union be asked to take an advisory interest in the workings of the Record office, and to designate some committee of counsel to aid the working staff in planning their work."
Not only did the Central Union agree to assist with this outreach to the blind, but another local sister institution, Union College, established just 13 years earlier, lent it support by providing temporary production quarters until more suitable arrangements could be made.
"In the northeast corner of the College basement is located the office of the Christian Record, our paper for the blind. It enjoys a circulation of over five hundred copies..."